Movito - the Transforming Electric Scooter

It might not be too long before you see this futuristic creation cruising by on a street near you! The Movito is an electric scooter that transforms itself to offer two different modes of transportation. Designed by Tai Chiem, it took home top prize in NASA’s recent Create the Future Design Contest. Powered by a carbon-cutting in-wheel electric motor, the Movito comes with a modular base that allows it to turn from a scooter into a two-seat vehicle. It comes equipped with an upper scooter chassis, as well as a base complete with an electric motor and rechargeable batteries. Depending on your mood or your company, you can switch between the two – but no matter which you choose, it will always cast an impressive silhouette thanks to its sleek chassis. You can see all of Tai Chiem’s work here.

Via Inhabitat


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